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Dr Rohit Ashok Khot

School of Design

Dr. Rohit Ashok Khot is ARC DECRA Fellow and Research Fellow in the School of Design at RMIT University, Australia. Working at the intersection of screen technology and eating practices, Dr. Khot’s work challenges health stereotypes around mindfulness and wellbeing through the creative convergence of design and technology. Dr. Khot has published over 42 scholarly refereed articles in high-ranking international conferences and journals and has received wide media recognition and best paper awards for his work. In 2019, he was awarded the prestigious Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) (398,000 AUD), having previously been awarded RMIT Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (310,479 AUD), IBM PhD Fellowship (US 20,000), SIGCHI Development Fund Grant (US 24,000) and RMIT Prize for Research Excellence in 2017 and 2019. Dr. Khot is the co-author of the first scholarly book on the topic of “Human-Food Interaction”. He serves his scholarly community by contributing to program committees for leading international HCI conferences and leads workshops and symposiums specifically around food and play.

#HumanFoodInteraction #MindfulInteraction #PersonalInformatics #PlayfulDesign #MoreThanHumanDesign #HumanComputerInteraction

School of Design

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